Bulksmsservices.net offers reliable and best bulk SMS reseller package. It enables resellers to earn additional income by buying and then reselling bulk SMS.

Bulksmsservices.net offers the most reliable and best bulk SMS reseller package. It enables SMS resellers to earn additional income by buying bulk SMS at a lower rate and then reselling at a profit.

To have your own bulk SMS reseller website is very simple and it does not require any special skill in website designing or programming. You will get a fully designed bulk SMS website, registered and hosted, with an online bulk SMS application already set-up for you to get your bulk SMS business started. Resellers have the absolute right to sell bulk SMS at any price they wish on their platform and can manage their users on their own through the admin area of their bulk SMS reseller platform.

Be part of this bulk SMS business where the smart group of individuals who have made up their minds to be financially free. Our bulk SMS Reseller Package offers you a way to build income while offering your customers first-class bulk SMS services under your own company name. Earn money selling cheapest bulk SMS!

Let us build a bulk SMS reseller website for you today. Own Your Own bulk SMS Website. Start your own business and become your own boss, let us help you to achieve your dream of making more money.



You can communicate with one of our customer care representatives through any of the media listed below based on day and time of the day.


TELEPHONE (Monday - Friday) Excluding Public Holidays: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Text Message (Monday - Sunday): 24/7



                                         Bulk SMS Nigeria Reseller Package

Reseller Categories The Category Covers COMPLETION TIME Total Cost (Naira)
1st Category 1 Year Domain Registration, 1-year Hosting & Building of Bulk SMS Reseller Website. 2 Hours (120 minutes) 50,000.00
2nd Category 1 Year Domain Registration, 1-year Hosting & Building of Bulk SMS Reseller Website. 24 Hours (One Working Day) 40,000.00
3rd Category 1 Year Domain Registration, 1-year Hosting & Building of Bulk SMS Reseller Website. 48Hours (2 Working Days) N30,000.00
4th Category 1 Year Domain Registration, 1-year Hosting, Building of Bulk SMS Reseller Website, Meta Tag Settings and other important configurations in the Cpanel area for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes. With all these, you stand a better chance of getting clicks when people are searching through search engines. 1 Week (5 Working Days) N70,000.00
5th Category

1 Year Domain Registration, 1-year Hosting, Building of Bulk SMS Reseller Website, Meta Tag Settings and other important configurations in the Cpanel area for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes and other TOP SECRETS which cannot be disclosed publicly. With all these, you stand a brilliant chance of getting your bulk SMS website appearing on the first page of Google search results within 6 - 12 months.


This category is only meant for people who are interested in getting clicks for FREE via the Google Search engine, like SmsMobile24.Com. It is not for people who are interested in paying in Dollar for every click they get from Google search results.

2 Weeks (10 Working Days) N100,000.00


  • You will be given both admin login details and Cpanel login details after the completion.
  • Yearly Renewal is N8,500 for Domain Name and web-hosting renewal

You have to make a full payment for the category of your choice from the categories listed above and send the following information to us via e-mail to provision2014@ gmail.com

1) Your proposed bulk SMS reseller website's domain name.

2) Your Contact Address.

3) E-mail address.

4) Telephone Number(s).

5) Quantity range and prices that you want to be selling your bulk SMS for each quantity range.

6) Your Bank account details in which you want users on your bulk SMS website to be making payment into for bulk SMS.


                          Bulk SMS Nigeria Prices For Resellers

Quantity Range (No of SMS Units) Price Per Page of SMS (Naira)
500 - 999 N2.00
1,000- 99,999 N1.92
100,000 - 999,999 N1.92
1,000,000 - 9,999,999 N1.92
10,000,000 Upward N1.85




If you already have a bulk SMS re-seller website or if you are a Developer and you want to be buying bulk SMS at our re-seller rate, you have to make a one-time/one-off payment of N10,000.

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